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April Kasch



My Story

I have always loved the ambiance of a glowing candle with just the right fragrance. I always enjoyed buying and burning them until.... In 2008, a house fire claimed my father's life and flickering flames have never been seen as relaxing and comforting. Only sad memories come from them. For the first year after the event, I couldnt even look at a candle. I had to settle for the little air fresheners you set on your end tables. Then I discovered Scentsy - in the parking lot of the bowling alley of all places! We were doing a fundraiser with vendors and I visited the Scentsy site. I absolutely fell in love with the product. I can now enjoy the ambiance of a candle glow and with a wonderfully large variety of (no better than candle scents) scents. No fear of candle fires anymore. I also love that I can change scents whenever I want, no more waiting till the candle has been completely melted before getting a new scent out. I absolutely love these products and I know you will too!

What's warming in my home